Welcome to Entreprenurses
- Supporting the growth and development of entrepreneurs (particularly social entrepreneurs and nurse entrepreneurs)
- Developing the art and science of nurse entrepreneurship
- Encouraging the development of social enterprises in health and social care
- Improving the delivery of healthcare
What we want to do is help make the world a better place by improving some of it ourselves but mainly by helping other people improve their bit of the world themselves. We were established in June 2007 and provide practical support for social enterprises as well as individual entrepreneurs (particularly social entrepreneurs and nurse entrepreneurs and more about that later). You can find more about our services and our approach here.
The six areas of work we use to fund and deliver this are as follows:
a) Supporting new and emerging social enterprises in health
b) Helping social enterprises increase their funding from NHS commissioners
c) Helping NHS commissioners work better with social enterprises
d) Developing entrepreneurship within nurses and other clinical staff
e) Helping people use technology to support entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship
f) Helping social enterprises increase their funding from web-based passive income streams
We aim to be the best collection of free web resources for social entrepreneurs and nurse entrepreneurs anywhere on the internet.
We have developed an area of the site to support the work that Entreprenurses CIC is doing on the Right to Request initiative from the Department of Health. Click here to access this area which includes a series of video presentations.
The following video presentation is Part 1 of the 3-part workshop on "Introduction to Right to Request"
(Click on the bottom left buton to play the clip. To make the video larger, click on the Google button and select "go to Google video")
To see part 2 of the Introduction to Right to Request, click here
To see part 3 of the Introduction to Right to Request, click here
To see the Guide to Pensions, TUPE & HR, click here
To see the Guide to Legal Structures, click here
To see the Guide to Finance Part 1, click here
The pdf of the presentations given at Right to Request workshops can be downloaded here (pdf format - 1.8 Mb)
The ‘right to request’ is part of a bigger vision for the future of the NHS as set out in High Quality Care For All: NHS Next Stage Review Final Report published in June 2008.
This guide aims to support NHS staff who are thinking of taking up the ‘right to request’ and setting up a social enterprise to deliver healthcare services to NHS patients, free at the point of delivery. It tries to answer some the questions you may have about setting up a social enterprise, setting out some of the benefits, but also the risks and challenges involved and helping you to decide if this is the right decision for you. It goes on to help you identify the next steps you will need to take in developing your business case and planning the future of your social enterprise, and how to find further information.
Download the guide - Social Enterprise - Making a Difference: a guide to the Right to Request (PDF, 1020K)
Download summary leaflet - Social Enterprise - Making a Difference: a guide to the Right to Request (PDF, 346K)
The latest 5 podcasts (10 to 14) cover a recent course on "Creating a nurse-led social enterprises in health" and the 5-parts together make up a 3-hour audio programme on how to set up a nurse-led social enterprise. Click here to access this.
Feel free to explore the site and use either the top navigation bar, the side navigation or the links at the bottom of the page. If you get completely lost, you can always use our site map. We would love to hear your comments and feedback on the site and we hope this site helps you on whatever entrepreneurial journey you are on.
Our most recent free courses were:
Presenting magically - Monday 9th June 2008 (Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire)
Strategic thinking - Thursday 3rd July 2008 (Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire)
Power networking - Monday 15th September 2008 (Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire)
Mastering Time Management - Tuesday 15th July 2008 (Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire)
Creating a nurse-led social enterprise in health - Tuesday 9th September 2008 (Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire)
Increasing the income of your social enterprise - Monday 8th September 2008 (Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire)
Creating an effective business website - Monday 14th July 2008 (Whaley Bridge, Derbyshire)